PreDegree Startup Scheme
Introducing the PreDegree Startup Scheme, a comprehensive and supportive initiative designed to help students turn their business ideas into reality. Our scheme is built on a foundation of knowledge-sharing, practical support, and a commitment to empowering the next generation of entrepreneurs—all completely free of charge.
By joining the PreDegree Startup Scheme, students will gain access to a supportive community and a wealth of resources designed to help them succeed in their entrepreneurial endeavours. Let us help you turn your business dreams into reality!
Business Startup Support
Provide step-by-step guidance to help students start their own business from scratch.
Share Knowledge
Learn from all the mistakes we made and how you can get the best start to your business
Completely Free
We ensure all services and resources are provided at no cost to students, making entrepreneurship accessible to everyone.
Advise on Best Practices
Offer personalised advice on industry best practices to help students navigate the complexities of running a successful business.
Help Make Complete Business Plans
Assist students in creating comprehensive business plans that cover all essential aspects, from market research and financial planning to marketing strategies.
Advertise Your Business and Products on PreDegree
Provide a platform for students to promote their businesses, reaching a wide audience of potential customers and partners through the PreDegree blog and community.
Frequently Asked Questions
What's the catch?
There is no catch. It is completely FREE!
The only thing we ask in return for all our support and help is that we receive 10% of all sales when you advertise your products through PreDegree, a fair ask for the support you will receive.
How will PreDegree help?
With support from our very own Founder, Tyler, you will gain expert insights on everything you need to make a business.
We will help you make a business plan, setup a store, and even launch the products.
Can I network?
Yes! Network with other students and even get access to an exclusive discord to chat with them.
Can you provide funding?
No, not at the moment. We are working hard to partner with universities and foundations to provide you with business funding.
However, we can offer exceptional support and expertise from our practical experiences to help you start your business, which is worth far more than most investments.
What does PreDegre get out of it?
The satisfaction and fulfilment that we know we're helping other students to succeed. Remember, our Founder, Tyler, was a student just like you, his mission with PreDegree is to make students successful.
That being said, as we can help you reach a large audience through our website, we do ask for 10% of all sales.
Do I need to pay anything?
Our support is completely FREE!
The only things you will need to pay for is the costs associated with you starting your own store, i.e. shopify plan costs etc.
If you choose to advertise your products and business through us we do ask for 10% of your sales. Please note, that if shipping costs are involved we do not cover these.
Are there restrictions to what business types you will help?
Nope! Provided your business idea is not illegal, explicit, or any other non-ethical practices, we can help you.
Please note, that all businesses will need to go through a screening process, so, we do ask for a few things first.
How do I earn money if I advertise my business and products on PreDegree?
We will sell your products at your full desired price and we will then pay you 90% of the profits. (price-costs) x 90%.
That means, any shipping and other costs will be deducted by us. You literally don't have to do anything other than ship your products yourself as we will not house stock for you.
Please bear in mind, we have shipping and other policies which we operate within ourselves. If you fail to comply with these we will no longer advertise for you as we could risk our own repetitional damage.
This and more will be shared when you join the scheme.
Do I need to sign anything?
The only thing you will need to do is agree to our startup scheme policy which states we hold no responsibility in the outcome of your business.
Furthermore, this also applies to when you advertise your business and products with us. Which states you will comply with our own shipping policies.
Don't worry if it all sounds very formal, these are just precautions which protect you as well as us.
Getting Started
Get in touch below to join the PreDegree Startup Scheme.
All you need to do is email us stating what your business idea is and that you want to join the scheme.
We will then be in touch requesting additional information which is required for us to help you.